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ARCHIVE: Bolton Culverts - September 2008
TheVicar is Offline
Loyal to the Drain
Posts: 14
Join Date: Jun 2008
Arrow ARCHIVE: Bolton Culverts - September 2008 - 29-09-2008, 10:50

The excellent weather recently has kept the river very low, so only wellies were needed for this trip.
The River is culverted through the city centre. The first picture shows the infall.

A very short way into the tunnel is this interesting underground bridge joining the two adjacent buildings. Note the bricked up pipe below the bridge.

Standing below the bridge and looking downstream, there is a low ceiling modern section. Above this is a strange lobby area for the building above.

Further downstream, I found this bike leaning against the wall though. It worked well and I rode it to the other end of the culvert and left it against the opposite side wall.

Looking further downstream, the modern section ends and two nice bridge sections begin. There is a sewer which runs below and alongside the river here and it bloody stinks.

A nice little Stone and brick edged sidepipe.

The outfall and view downstream from here.

Just on the right, is an opening to a partially backfilled cellar to a building above.

After a short walk in the open, a second and more modern culvert appears where this was found!

Just beyond this point was a set of stairs complete with handrail.

Downstream from the stairs, the boring concrete box continued for another 500m before being back in the open. A further 500m or so along the river and I spotted these nice stone outfalls.

Finally the third culvert was a dual concrete box section about 200m long and generally uninteresting. I don't believe it has a name, so I'm calling it Beast's Nostrils.